
Steve McCarroll, Beth Stevens, and Mike Carroll win the NAMI Award

NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is an organization dedicated to building better lives for Americans affected by mental illness. Each year, it awards scientists who have inspired hope through their research. This year (2016), Steve McCarroll, Beth Stevens, and Mike Carroll were presented with the award at the […]

Arpiar Saunders receives a Helen Hay Whitney Fellowship.

Arpy Saunders has received a three-year post-doctoral fellowship from the Helen Hay Whitney Foundation (HHW), marking another step on his scientific journey that started in a cabin in the New Hampshire woods. Having grown up there, it is no surprise that, before coming to our lab, he studied outdoorsy science […]

Matt Baum publishes his book, ‘The Neuroethics of Biomarkers’.

Matt Baum (a student in the lab) has written a book, published by Oxford University Press and available through Amazon, on the challenges and controversies involved in using disease biomarkers to evaluate patients, judge criminals, and make moral decisions. The book shines in its plethora of practical, thought-provoking examples and […]


Our Evan Macosko has published his work on Drop-seq, a technology we developed to enable massively parallel analysis of RNA expression in thousands of individual cells. For additional information, please check out: A Cell video abstract; An article in the Atlantic; An article by NIH Director Francis Collins; An article by NIMH Director Tom Insel; An article Professor Samantha Morris